Monday, October 28, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Light at the End

Big Finish will be releasing their 50th anniversary episode, too called "The Light at the End". I absolutely love the Big Finish productions of Dr Who. If you have never tried them, you should and what better way with this release. It can be ordered here.

Day of the Doctor Trailer

Just in case you are living under a rock and have not seen the trailer for the 50th Anniversary episode, here it is. November 23rd, can not get here soon enough.

Friday, October 18, 2013

We're on Twitter

East Coast Dr Who has joined the Twitter Universe. Click here to follow us.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Terror of the Zygons Review

  • Aired Aug-Sept 1975
  • Last regular appearance of Ian Marter of Harry Sullivan
  • First appearance of the Zygons

I figures this would be a great time to review, Terror of the Zygons, since they will be appearing in the 50th Anniversary episode of Dr Who coming up in November. Terror of the Zygons is a great episode in my opinion. Tom Baker is right in his stride of playing the Doctor. He shines in this episode.

The Zygons are an interesting villain who can take the shape of humans that they capture. The Zygons are stranded on earth and that got me to thinking that a lot of aliens get
stranded on Earth. It seems that any alien flying by Earth, will immediately have spaceship problems and have to land on Earth. It's like the Bermuda Triangle of space. Someone should look into this. The Zygons look kinda ridiculous and there plan to take over the Earth was not really thought out. It should be interesting how they update them in the 50th anniversary episode.

Overall, I give this a 4 out of 5 Tardis's. Solid story, great acting and just the right length makes this episode a must watch. I couldn't end this without talking about time spent in the Tardis by Harry Sullivan. Eventhough his time was short with the Doctor, his impact lasted a long time. Growing up as a kid, Harry was the male companion that I remember the most. He was smart and heroic and complemented Sarah and the Doctor perfectly.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Missing Episodes Found

It's official, the BBC announced that 9 missing episodes of  Dr Who were found in Africa. 5 episodes of Patrick Troughton's "The Enemy of the World" were found, which now the BBC has the complete serial. Should be great to watch Patrick Troughton play the Doctor and the villain in the episode. Also, 4 episodes of Troughton's "Web of Fear" were found which means they are only missing one epsiode of that serial. Web of Fear features the first appearance of Alistar Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart played by the late Nicholas Courtney. I can't wait to see these. I heard they should be out on DVD in November. Hopefully more episodes will be found. Come on everyone start looking. Maybe there's one under my bed.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Chicago Tardis 2013

The Chicago Tardis will be held this year Nov. 29th- Dec 1st at the Westin Lombard Yorktown Center in Lombard, IL. Lots of guests have already been announced that will be there including, Peter Davison, Colin Baker & Paul McGann. 3 Doctors! We will be attending the show also. If you see us wearing East Coast Dr Who shirts, stop us and say "Hello". Tickets can be purchased at, Chicago Tardis.