Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kate O'Mara Passing

I am sadden to learn that Kate O'Mara passed away today. Kate played the evil Time Lord, Rani in "Mark of the Rani" and "Time of the Rani". She was probably best known for her role on "Dynasty".
The Rani was such a great character. When we first meet her in "Mark of the Rani". She's really not evil, she's just a scientist doing research. She just didn't have much regards to human life. She thought she was better then the humans. They were lab rats. That really doesn't make her evil. It's kinda like how we test things on animals. It would have been nice if her character was used more, but it was toward the end of the show, so it's hard to blame them. 

In my opinion, the Rani had one of the best TARDIS console rooms ever. It was beautiful. It even had, what looked like the rings from Superman II instead of the column in the center of the console. Come to think of it, it's the only TARDIS owned by a female we have ever seen. It shows that her eye for decoration was much better then the Doctor, Master and the Monk. I wonder how Romana  would have decorated her TARDIS?

Kate O'Mara will be missed dearly by the Doctor Who community. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

East Coast Who Coming to AwesomeCon

April 18-20, 2014 in Washington, DC will be the site of Awesome Con, a pop culture gathering of all things geekdom. We here at East Coast Who are happy to say that we will be attending and reporting all the happenings back to our fans. Now we here at East Coast Who tend to gravitate toward the world of Dr Who and Awesome Con has us covered.

Billie Piper aka, Rose Tyler companion of Eccleston and Tennant will be a guest at Awesome Con. I am stoked about meeting Billie Piper. You just don't get many opportunities to meet her and get her autograph. I realize, I will have to wait in line but it will be worth it.

Simon Fisher-Becker better known as Dorium Maldovar will also be a guest. You might better know him as the Blue guy during Matt Smith's run as the Doctor. Last we saw of his character, he was just a head in a box. Simon also has a one man show called "My Dalek has a Puncture" that is touring the UK.

Lastly, Ernie Hudson peaks our interest. Yes, he was a Ghostbuster, but he also was on Torchwood " Miracle Day" as Stuart Owens opposite of everyone's favorite Captain Jack Harkness.

Awesome Con has a big list of celebrities, voice actors & comic writers and artists that will be attending. We are honored to be covering this event for our fans and hope to maybe snag an interview with one of the Dr Who actors. Keep your fingers crossed. You can learn all about Awesome Con at their site  If you see us walking around Awesome Con wearing our East Coast Who shirts, come over and say hi and we will get you a free pin.