Sunday, August 24, 2014

Review of Deep Breath (Spoilers)

Finally, Dr Who is back on TV and I just watched the first episode of Peter Capaldi's run as the Doctor called, "Deep Breath". It's hard to gauge first episode's of new Doctors, because they are always not themselves, falling down and just plain goofy after regenerating. The Doctor always ends up being someone totally different from their first episode. I like the new direction that Capaldi's Doctor is heading. He's no longer this sexy, cool Doctor. He even makes fun of it by telling Clara that the previous Doctor was her boyfriend. This new Doctor is what the Doctor had been in the past, a father or grandfather type. Now will this alienate the young fans? Time will tell.

The episode itself was lacking in my opinion. It's hard to introduce new robots to Dr Who, cause we have so many classic ones. Andy why does the Doctor always have to find some kind of android in his first episode? Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Christopher Eccleston and now Peter Capaldi all fought some kind of robot in their first episode. At least Troughton fought the Daleks. This robot was lacking in back story and he wasn't that menacing. Most android stories need a human or monster controlling it to get the best out of the episode. Robots are needed to be used as tools to fight the Doctor to make the story go along, with exception to the Cybermen and Daleks.

The other problems with this episode, just like every other first episode of a new Doctor, is that the Doctor is all over the place. It makes it hard to watch. I know it's part of the story, but wouldn't it be nice if he regenerates and acts in control?

The only saving grace to this episode was the phone call from Matt Smith. I was never a big Fan of Smith's Doctor, but that scene with him calling Clara did bring a tear to my eye. I think it was not only a message to Clara, but a message to fans to give this Doctor a try. He needs us and we need him.

It was nice to see Jenny, Strax and Madame Vastra back again. I was worried that we might have seen the end of them with a new Doctor taking over. They are so much fun to watch, that I think they deserve their own spin-off show. Also, was that the first same sex kiss on Dr Who? I know we have seen Captain Jack kiss men on Torchwood, but I don't recall seeing any other same sex kisses on the main show.

I do think this episode set up some major story lines in the future, like who in the heck was that lady at the end. I think after this season is over I might look at "Deep Breath" a little

differently. For now, I give it a 2 out of 5 Tardis's.