Saturday, January 4, 2014

Review "Time of the Doctor"

Time of the Doctor is the last episode for Matt Smith's Doctor and he went down with a fight. He literally fought just about every enemy he has on Trenzalore. By the way, Trenzalore is a great name for a planet. Now, the town called Christmas on Trenzalore is stupid. You win some, you lose some.

This episode was good mix of comedy (Sontarans having trouble with their invisibility), action and some very important things that will change Dr Who forever. We learn that Matt Smith is the last regeneration of the Doctor. Not a big fan of this. You would have thought if he's the last, then they could have built up a whole season of him facing his own mortality. They would have been heart wrenching. Instead he just says that he's the last and explains why. Which it would have been  nice for a flash back of when Tennant regenerated for newer fans. Then the Time Lords give him a new set of regenerations. This I don't mind. This is not a new concept. The Time Lords offered this to the Master in the Five Doctors special.

I think this episode had lots of potential, but didn't live up to it. There was too much stuff packed into this one episode. They should have made this a 2 part episode and really expanded on the battles on Trenzalore. I wanted to see the Doctor team-up with the Silence, not just a quick clip of it. They had a great story and didn't take the time to really show it. Disappointing.

I have to admit, even though I'm not a big fan of Matt Smith, I did shed a tear when he was saying goodbye. It's hard to say goodbye to any of the Doctors. What's nice about Dr Who is that it's not the end of the Doctor. He will be back making us laugh, making us cry and saving the universe just like he has since 1963. Who knows, we might see Matt Smith again one day. I enjoyed Peter Capladi's short time on the episode. I hope they keep it that he doesn't remember how to fly the Tardis. I always loved the classic Dr Who, when the fans and even the Doctor didn't know where he would end up. The more recent Doctors have become very good at flying the Tardis, but I love that this Doctor forgets how.

Overall, I give Time of the Doctor a 2.5 out of 5 Tardis's. It had lots of potential, but they crammed too much into a short period of time.