Sunday, March 8, 2015

Connection Conjecture by Brice Baker

It's been a little while since I've had time to write--working 2 full time jobs will do that. I also wanted to take the time to make this article special. So I finally found the time and sat down with Netflix and a note book to watch "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead".

First I'd like to point out that I picked this for the connections it made with future episode--some seasons later, truly amazing writing. It occurs in the 51st century, Captain Jack's home time, so immediately we have a link with the past. The introductory scene continues with a discussion about biographies, and the fact that there is always a death at the end...a nice piece of foreshadowing. Surprisingly, the Doctor uses the term "Spoilers" before River does!! I had no idea until this re-watch.

After another reminder of the past, that the sonic screwdriver doesn't work on wood, we finally meet River Song for the first time. Her first appearance is in a space suit with a gun in her hip. Jump ahead a few seasons and we again have her in a space suit with a gun emerging from Lake Silencia to kill the Doctor. I will admit to a moment of wow when this hit me.
 After a quick "Hello Sweetie", she jumps into their traditional journal comparison, which she realizes suddenly is brand new to him. In later seasons, she will state that the day he doesn't know her will be the end of her. The crash of the Byzantium, picnic at Asgard (apparently that's in our future as well) and many other adventures are in his future with her, but she knows that her story ends today.

The action really starts with Miss Evangelista's death. The neural relay is described as "footprints on the beach"--yet another cunning reference to the doctor's ultimate demise

At this point we begin to learn about the future of the Doctor in earnest. First, we can see the complete feeling of pity in River's eyes when she learns that this is the Donna Noble. Now that we know her ultimate fate, we can understand this completely. Then we see River's future sonic--complete with dampers, red and blue settings and the good captain's sonic cutting abilities--all exactly things she would need for this specific expedition to the library. Even more foreshadowing comes up when she calms him down by explaining "I didn't pry it from your cold dead hands" and an offhanded comment made about them squabbling like a married couple.

We get a bit of a preview of the 11th Doctor when River describes him as "her doctor". Armies run and he swaggers off to the Tardis. In a very odd intertwining of fates, she sees that he has always known how she would die and when, just as she also knew when he would "die" and when--frankly amazing!!!

At this point, I think we all agree--we must see the singing towers of Durillium episode when they truly say their final farewell. It would be a heartbreaking scene, and Peter Capaldi would make it a real tear jerker.

Finally, the good Doctor can't believe his future self would give up and allow River to die. Discovering the neural relay (was it the very one he slipped in his pocket after Evangelista dies??), he saves -pun intended- River.

When we think the show is over, we are given yet more ooh and ahh moments that didn't mean anything when the episode originally aired, but now made my jaw drop. Cal makes a statement "aren't I a clever girl?" And River exclaims that the doctor is an "impossible man". This adds a whole extra dimension to the episode--did we not only meet River for the first time, but also meet Clara, in the form of Cal?? I'll leave that to you to ponder.