Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Review of "Extremis" & "The Pyramid at the End of the World"

So I was going to wait to review the whole story of the Monks, but who knew it goes going to be a 3-parter or maybe more? So, I figured I would review the last 2 episodes before I start forgetting what happened. Now I do realize that this review is incomplete, because we really need the rest of the story to accurately review it.

Let's look at "Extremis", which has starts off as a decent story. The Doctor meets the Pope and gets to solve a mystery of why everyone is killing themselves after translating this document called, "Veritas". Then enter the evil looking Monks, who oddly resemble other Dr Who monsters. I think the special effects guy got kind of lazy and made them look kind of like the Mummy in "Mummy on the Orient Express" crossed with the Sycorax from the "Christmas Invasion". After the Doctor finally figures out what is going out, we learn that this is just a computer simulation that the Monks have been running on our planet with hopes of invading. Well, there's 45 minutes that are pretty much meaningless in the Dr Who World. I mean come on, couldn't they have done that in a shorter time?

Friday, May 19, 2017

Dr Who Review "Oxygen"

Growing up as a kid and watching Classic Dr Who Episodes on my local PBS channel, I always enjoyed the episodes where the Doctor and companions were trapped on a space station with no hope of survival. Who can forget the "Ark in Space" with the deadly Wirn? Or "Revenge of the Cybermen", ""The Invisible Enemy"? And the list goes on and on. "Oxygen" is set in that same Classic Dr Who storytelling and it gave us a twist with some fresh ideas.

So the Doctor faces off with Space Zombies, well sort of. He's basically just fighting the suits. But man did those suits put up a fight. I don't recall the Doctor ever overcoming so many obstacles in one episode before. He's running out of air, fighting space suits that with one touch can kill you, his companion is killed (or so we thought) and to top it off he goes Blind! What the hell? That's why I love this episode. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

"Knock Knock" Guest Review by Brice Baker

Knock knock...who's there....Doctor...Doctor Who, that's who. It's my kids' favorite joke and I'm sure was the beginning of the idea for this episode. 

Finally, in a true Who way, we get a story that turns fun into horror then twists into a love story. I think I will cover the plot quickly today then go into some of the questions I was left with. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

"Thin Ice" Review

Well another week, another new Dr Who episode and another Dud. I truly think that Steven Moffat has run out of story ideas. "Thin Ice" was just another remake of  previous Dr Who episodes, but set in a different time period. "The Beast Below" and even "Kill the Moon" have included the same basic story idea. I think Stevan Moffat's biggest flaw is that he only focuses on the season long story, instead of individual episodes. This season has been bad so far. There's no other way to put it. We need some fresh ideas for the show and I hope we get those with a new producer next year.