Friday, May 19, 2017

Dr Who Review "Oxygen"

Growing up as a kid and watching Classic Dr Who Episodes on my local PBS channel, I always enjoyed the episodes where the Doctor and companions were trapped on a space station with no hope of survival. Who can forget the "Ark in Space" with the deadly Wirn? Or "Revenge of the Cybermen", ""The Invisible Enemy"? And the list goes on and on. "Oxygen" is set in that same Classic Dr Who storytelling and it gave us a twist with some fresh ideas.

So the Doctor faces off with Space Zombies, well sort of. He's basically just fighting the suits. But man did those suits put up a fight. I don't recall the Doctor ever overcoming so many obstacles in one episode before. He's running out of air, fighting space suits that with one touch can kill you, his companion is killed (or so we thought) and to top it off he goes Blind! What the hell? That's why I love this episode. 

No matter what obstacles are thrown his way, in the end he prevails, but not without consequences. Who is behind all this nonsense? Yep, a big corporation, who think people are expendable. Sound like some companies we have here in the US. Hopefully this did not give them some ideas. On another thought, who would sign up for this job? An employer is going to charge you for air? They better have been paid really well or have had some outstanding benefits. I guess this should teach us a lesson and read our employment contracts a little more closely.

We finally get back to a 3 man Tardis crew with Nardole (Matt Lucas) coming for the ride. I think the episodes with him in them have been the best so far. He adds a whole new dimension to the show. I think I mentioned before that he allows the Doctor to not always have to be the "funny" guy and can focus on his smarts and outwitting his foes. Hopefully Nardole will continue on in the season and beyond.

Now onto "Who's in the vault?". We all kind of know it's either the Master, with John Simm returning, or it's Missy. I wish we did not know that John Simm was coming back for this season. It would have made the surprise even more shocking. I know it's hard in today's world to not have spoilers or have stuff leaked to us, but I wish there was a way they could keep things like that under wraps. Who knows? Maybe it will be someone else.

So "Oxygen" gets 4.5 Tardises out 5, restoring my faith in this season. Let's hope they can build on this for the rest of the season. Oh, look the Doctor is going to meet the Pope. Can't wait.