Sunday, May 6, 2018

Awesome Con 2018 Review

As Dr Who fans, we have become extremely spoiled attending Awesome Con. We have had the pleasure to meet, Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, Billie Piper, Catherine Tate, Jenna Coleman, John Barrowman, etc at previous incarnations of Awesome Con. Those are some pretty big names for a convention that is not geared soley toward Dr Who, but rather geared toward everything that is pop culture. With this being said, I only give my reviews as it relates to Dr Who and the Dr Who Universe. I do not take in consideration anything that is not Dr Who. Is this fair? Probably not, but that's why I'm stating this here right up front. 2018 Awesome Con was geared more toward fans of Guardians of the Galaxy, Arrow, Star Wars and not Dr Who fans. I always review each Con based on Guests, Vendors & Programming.


This is was by far the worst Dr Who guest lineup that Awesome Con has ever had since I have been covering them. The guest line-up would have been a little different if Karen Gillan had not backed out. As it was, John Barrowman was probably the biggest Dr Who star at the show and this was his 3rd straight appearance at Awesome Con. I'm guessing they brought him back since this year they included lots of other actors from the Arrow Universe. But 3 years in a row is getting to be a little bit much for me.