Saturday, November 10, 2018

Review "The Tsuranga Conundrum"

We are onto episode 5 of this season and thank goodness, there were no spiders in this episode. "The Tsuranga Conundrum" features the Doctor and her companions on board a medical ship that is being eaten by a small creature called a "Pting", who has an insatiable appetite for energy and will stop for nothing to devour all of it. Plus as an added obstacle, if they deviate the ships' path the people controlling it will blow it up. Sounds like a pretty juicy episode, right? WRONG!

This episode was a complete waste. First they make the baddie, the Pting look like a cute little chubby creature that you might want to snuggle with. Not that menacing. I know why Chris Chibnall created the Pting like this, because he always wants to be different and do unconventional things. But there's a reason why you don't make the monster a cute a little creature, because it doesn't work. 

Then we have the three companions, problem. They literally have nothing to do in this episode. Chris just comes up with the most random things for them to do. Let's have the 2 male companions be coaches for a man giving birth? Why not? How about we have the female companion guard the anti-matter drive? Why not? There is a reason that the Doctor has not had 3 companions very often, because it's hard to come up with something for all them to do. It's even harder to write with three companions, when the show is only 45 minutes. But they wanted to represent everyone and that's why we have three companions.

After 5 episodes into Jodie Whittaker's run as the Doctor, I have to finally say something. What do you people see in her? She's not funny and her portray of the Doctor is at best bland. I give up the fight against a woman Doctor, but after 5 episodes she was clearly the wrong woman to take on this important role. So many other great actresses would have fantastic as the Doctor, and Jodie would not have been on the top of my list. Ok, rant over.

So I will give "The Tsuranga Conundrum" a 1.5 out of 5 Tardises. A pretty much complete waste of time watching it, reviewing it and even reading about it. Onto to India.