Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Spyfall Parts 1 & 2 Review

I'm back and better then ever. Last season, I didn't even review the finale because I just couldn't do it anymore. I watched it and actually kind of enjoyed it, but I couldn't write about Dr Who anymore. Season 11 was so bad, it just about killed my love for the show. Even people who love everything about the new Doctor and the show, admit that season 11 was a little lacking. "Lacking" is an understatement.

So after over a year and I am finally able to wash the taste of season 11 out of my mouth, I'm ready to give it another try with season 12. It's time to watch Spyfall .... and..... shoot me now. Spyfail, I mean Spyfall tries to combine Dr Who with James Bond and by "combining it",  I mean just give it a James Bond title and that's basically it. There is hardly anything even remotely resembling a James Bond movie in these episodes. There is some James Bond weapons that they don't even try and use until episode 2, but that's basically it.

The only thing this episode actually did do was to rip-off previous Dr Who episodes, especially David Tennant episodes. Can anyone say, "Army of Ghosts / Doomsday"?  When you put Jodie Whitaker in an episode that basically tries to rip-off a David Tennant episode, all it does is show how much better David was at being the Doctor then Jodie is. That doesn't even give Jodie a chance to actually be good or to win me over.  It was just very bad and lazy writing. Speaking of writers, has anyone seen the list of writers for this season? Almost all of their writers have no science fiction experience in their professional careers. Why do you hire non science fiction writers to write a science fiction program? Could this be the problem and downfall of this once beloved show? Dr Who was at it's best when they created stories from some of the most brilliant science fiction writers of their days. Now, the show is suffering and maybe it's not because of a female Doctor but rather writers that have no experience writing science fiction stories.

Let's move onto a new actor to the show, Sacha Dhawan , who is now the Master. Great actor, I mean did you see him in Iron Fist? He's a brilliant actor, whose characters are intense and believable. So this is the perfect person to play the Master, right? It would have been but instead Sacha decides to do an impression of John Simm playing the Master instead of making it his own. Not sure if he chose this or if Chris Chibnall wanted it this way, but it was a dud. You know at least Michelle Gomez made the Master (Missy) her own. I'm sure we will see the Master again this season and let us pray that it's done better then this.

Lastly, lets talk about the ending, the destruction of Gallifrey and everything we know about the Time Lords was a big lie. If you happen to search on YouTube or online, you can find some pretty far fetched Dr Who theories, but the one that keeps coming up time in again is that this season we will learn that the Doctor was a woman first. That the Doctor had a whole set of regenerations before William Hartnell stole that Tardis, so many years ago. Could the BBC and Chris Chibnall really want to destroy the past history of the show? Would you put it past them? Their desperate and I think this season if it does not go well could be the last. Season 11 did not go well and even they admit that. I pray that I'm wrong and it's all an elaborate plan by the Master, but I'm afraid, truly afraid that my once great love could be destroyed by the ones that are supposed to protect it.

Well with doom and gloom behind me, I trudge on with this season number 12. I will try my best to keep an open mind and an open heart. I feel that their will be heartbreak in my future, not because of a great Dr Who story, but rather heartbreak from what my favorite show has become. With that being said "Spyfall" get a 1.5 Tardises out of 5. (I can do this)