Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day of the Doctor Review

This was the episode 50 years in the making and did it ever deliver. This was probably the first in the new series that very little information about the episode hadn't leaked. It was kinda like the classic series, before the internet and you had no idea what was to come.

This episode could be broken down into two stories, the Zygons and the Time War. The Zygons looked great. Dr Who production has done such a great job of creating new looks for old villains. Just like the Ice Warriors early this year, the Zygons looked awesome. The story itself felt like it wasn't complete. It seemed like they just dropped the Zygon story all together. We needed to know what was in the treaty and do the humans and Zygons get their memory back after the treaty is signed? Hopefully, the Zygons will return soon to answer our questions.

The other story in this episode dealt with the decision of John Hurt to wipe out the Time Lords and the Daleks. Throughout the whole story, I just kept saying to myself "Don't do it, John". I think everyone was surprised how they used Billie Piper. Her playing the "Bad Wolf" Rose would not have been my first choice. Wouldn't it had been cool to see the conscience of the weapon change during the episode of older companions? Yes they wouldn't have looked the same, but it still would have been cool to see everyone. In the end the Doctors came up with their own plan to end the Time War. A little far fetched if you ask me. So the Daleks are destroyed with crossfire. Yea, not the greatest idea Moffat ever had. I think he got stuck and couldn't find a way to destroy the Daleks. The best thing to happen with this story arc is that Gallifery is out there and the Doctor will try and find it. I love Gallifrey stories, whether it be from the classic series or Big Finish stories, you know when Gallifrey shows up the story will be a classic.

Lastly, I could not end this without talking about the appearance of Tom Baker. This was a well kept secret by Moffat and it was well done. Tom Baker finally returns to Dr Who after so so many years. Yes, he has done Big Finish stories, but seeing him on TV brought a tear to my eye. His voice was exactly like it was back in the late 70's. I could close my eyes and hear that voice and see my favorite Doctor reliving my favorite adventures. It will be interesting to see if the Curator will ever be brought back and if they explain who he really is. Is he the Doctor or is he not? If not he seems to know a lot about the Doctor's past and his future.

Overall, Day of the Doctor gets a 4.5 Tardis's out of 5. Great episode.