Sunday, November 15, 2015

Review "The Girl who Died" & "The Woman who Lived"

After two pretty good serials and with the much hyped appearance of Maisie Williams to Dr Who, I expected a pretty good serial. I couldn't have been more wrong. This was "Bad", not historically bad, but bad none the less.

I can't even really discuss the actually villains, because they were never really explored as characters. I can't even remember their names at all, it was that underdeveloped. I know the point of both episodes was to show Lady Me, or whatever she calls , but it would have been nice to know a little bit about the villains. Then again, it didn't really think there was much to these villains. One of them looked like a space pirate and the other looked like the beast from "Beauty and the Beast".

The whole point of these episodes was to introduce Lady Me to us and set up future appearances for her. Lady Me's character is very intriguing and has 2 possible future possibilities. Either she becomes a major part of the Doctor's life kind of like Captain Jack or Steven Moffat drops the ball like they did with the Doctor's daughter, Jenny. I hope it's more like Captain Jack, but who knows. Speaking of Captain Jack, the Doctor tried to stay away from him as much as possible. A human who is immortal is something that Doctor doesn't feel is natural. He even piloted the Tardis away with Captain Jack hanging on for goodness sakes. So why would the Doctor make the young Viking girl immortal? It doesn't make sense. Yes, he wanted to save her because of his new face, but making her immortal might actually be worse then dieing as she finds out.

Other then the introduction of Lady Me, there's not much else to talk about. I was excited for a little bit when the Doctor's sonic sunglasses broken, but it was not to be because they were back in the next episode. There was one more thing that bothered me, did anyone notice the pants the Doctor was wearing in the "The Girl who Died"? They sure looked like pajama pants. Why is the Doctor wearing pajama pants? The Doctor should only wear pajama pants, when he's going to bed.

So overall, I give "The Girl who Died" and "The Woman who Lived" a 2 Tardis's out of 5. Let's hope this season gets back on track.