Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Review "The Zygon Invasion" & "The Zygon Inversion"

Finally getting caught up with Series 9 and have just finished watching, "The Zygon Invasion" & "The Zygon Inversion". I picked the perfect time to watch these 2 episodes, because it was alarming the similarity between these  2 episodes and what is going on in real life with ISIS and the Paris attacks. If I had watched these when they first came out, this review would totally be different. This review is not going to be like my normal reviews, instead I want to show you the similarities between these Dr Who episodes and our real world crisis.

I try not to be political at all on this page. I have seen politics ruin long time friendships on Facebook and other platforms. With that being said, I apologize in advance if this seems political, but after watching these 2 Zygon episodes, I couldn't get this out of my head. I want you to look at all the Zygons as Muslims here on Earth and the rebel faction of Zygons as ISIS (or radical/extremist Muslims).

The first scene that really popped out at me was seeing the Doctor and UNIT watching Osgood read a prepared statement that the rebel Zygons are forcing her to read. It looked just like other hostage videos that ISIS makes their hostages read while being videotaped. Pretty easy one to see, but it doesn't end there.

One of the major discussions in these episodes is the discussion of Zygons fitting in with humans here on Earth. The same arguement is being made here in the U.S. and all over the world about accepting Syrian refugees. Are they coming in to do us harm, like what possibly happened in Paris, or are they people without a home and fleeing war? I think one could argue that the Zygons are like these fleeing Syrian refugees. The Doctor even remarks that people would be worried that the Zygons will take all their benefits. I've seen the same comments about Syrian refugees coming to the United States. People here are wondering why are we helping these refuges instead of helping our own. The last similarity that stuck out to me was when the Doctor said that if we bomb them, then the peaceful Zygons will become radicalized like the rebels. That's what's been happening in real life. Bombing Muslim extremists in a lot of cases just creates sympathy for them and radicalizes more Muslims to their side.

So what to do with Zygon & ISIS problems? The Doctor gives an emotional speech to both sides, that I think we should pay attention to. First, he asks the rebel Zygons, what will happen to them once the World is exactly the way they want it? What does the world do with the trouble makers? I doubt people from ISIS read my Dr Who page, but they should asks themselves if the world is exactly they way they want it, then what? The solution the Doctor gives Unit and the Zygons is that they have to "Forgive". Someone has to break the cycle or they are both doomed. Someone has to forgive. I feel that could be a solution for us as well.

Overall, I give "The Zygon Invasion" & "The Zygon Inversion" a 3.5 Tardis's out of 5. These Dr Who episodes, as unintentional as they were, really spoke to me about the problems our world faces today. I urge everyone to go back and watch these two episodes and think about what we are facing today in our world.

PS.  The Doctor wears underpants with questions marks on them. I think I know what I want for Christmas.