Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Review "Eaters of the Light"

 The Doctor, Bill & Nardole head to ancient Scotland to settle a bet about the 9th Legion of the Roman Army. You would think that this would happen more often then not. Then again, why would you argue about history with a Time Lord? There they meet some Romans, some savages and a monster that feeds on sunlight. Just your typical Who adventure following in the time held tradition of Classic Dr Who. You now I was thinking how many times have we seen the Doctor get separated from his companion/companions and they each end up on either side of a conflict? It happens a lot in Dr Who.

"Eaters of the Light" is just a solid Dr Who episode. It won't go down as a classic episode that everyone must watch, but neither will go down as an unwatchable Dr Who train wreck. It's just...."good". I mean when you have been on TV as long as Dr Who, you can't expect them to hit it out of the park every episode and with last week's spectacular "Empress of Mars" episode, this was a good follow up. There were some strange things though. For example it took 10 episodes with Bill to finally explain that the Tardis translates languages? And why is Bill wearing the brightest red shirt I have ever seen while

in ancient Scotland? But those are just some minor questions, that I can gloss over.

One thing I do have to mention was that the landscape and backgrounds on this episode were stunning. I know part of it was CGI, but it looked fabulous. I really felt like I was in Scotland. My hats off to the special effects and set designer of this episode. Just stunning.

I give "Eaters of the Light" a 3 Tardises out of 5. Classic adventure, classic outcome and classic Doctor. Plus we got the greatest line of the season out of this episode, "Death by Scotland".