Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Review "The Lie of the Land" Episode

So we finally get the conclusion of the story involving the Monks and the only thing I have to say is "Why did this have to be 3 episodes?". I mean really when was the last time we had a 3 part story? Off the top of my head I can't remember any since the show came back in 2001. Is this worth of 3 episodes? I think not. Complete rubbish.

This episode did have some moments like when Bill shot the Doctor and when she sacrificed her life to save humanity, but ultimately these moments didn't really happen and it was a cheap ploy to pull on our emotional strings. There's never a point where the Monks were a real threat to the Doctor and in the end no one except the Doctor, Bill & Nardole even remember what happens. Even brief appearances of Missy couldn't save this train wreck. I really hope that they turn this season around and let Peter Capaldi leave on a high note, because this season has been, for the most part, "BAD".

Steven Moffat has done some great things for Dr Who, but I'm getting the feeling that he had a great idea for Peter Capaldi leaving, but really didn't care about the rest of the season at all. At least I'm hoping he has a great story to end Peter's run as the Doctor.

Is it laziness or is he just burnt out? I don't know.

So I will give "The Lie of the Land" a 2.5 Tardises out of 5 but the overall Monk Trilogy a 1.5 Tardises out of 5. Definitely the best episode of the Trilogy.