Sunday, October 19, 2014

All New Connection Conjecture

Do you Know this Face?
by Brice Baker

Donna could never remember, the doctor can never forget. In the recent history of Doctor Who, a running (pun intended) theme has been the amount of running, both literal and figurative. The Doctor always runs away from the aftermath of what he has done - never daring to look back at the carnage. Except once. One time, facing a fixed point in time, the most important companion he ever had made him turn around. In the moment he went back to Pompeii, he became more human. He cared for the first time since he was jilted by the loss of Rose. 

Fast forward to the "Stolen Earth". In what should have been wonderful moment, all of his previous companions came together. In the same moment, he saw that he had made them all soldiers. Looking back on what he had done jarred the Doctor to the core. This season has focused on his dislike for soldiers. 

Alone in the universe and feeling worthless, the Doctor finds his way to another fixed point in time, in "The Waters of Mars". Amazingly, he even mentions how Pompeii affected him within this story. As a time lord victorious, he attempts to change the laws of time, only to be corrected by one "little" person at the end. 

I mention these because I think these decisions are what led him to the current "face". It is a way of reminding himself of one time that he turned around and helped. One time that he made a positive impact to a "little" person. And I would argue that the rumors are true - that this season is going to end up with a trial, possibly for breaking the laws of time on Mars. 

The face he has now is his subconscious way of reminding himself that for all the disarray and disasters which he has run away from, there was one moment that he turned around to help. There has been no running this season. He has faced (literally in listen) his fears and enemies directly. And, unfortunately, those that he has not turned around to save, have been showing up to the promised land, to act as witnesses to the damage left in his path.