Sunday, October 26, 2014

Review "Mummy on the Orient Express"

"Mummy on the Orient Express" is the eight episode of this season. This episode did nothing for me, it was rather boring. So the Doctor, Clara and some other scientists have the figure out why the Mummy is killing people and why he is there and this was all brought together by an unknown person named "Gus". That has to be the un-scariest name in history. Gus sounds like a car mechanic, not an evil mastermind. Then after all of that, we never find out who Gus is. Disappointing.

"Mummy on the Orient Express" had a decent premise and looked promising, but under delivered. The worse part is watching Clara tell anyone who will listen about her relationship with the Doctor and if she should travel with him anymore. *Yawn*. I need less Clara whining and more Mummy. The Mummy actually looked good. Really good. If they ever reboot the classic Mummy movie franchise, that's how I want the Mummy to look. He was scary and his walk was fantastic.

There were some other bright moments of the episode, like the Doctor offering a jelly baby to a passenger. He even has his own case for them now. No longer does he keep them in a small white bag, like the 4th Doctor did. I hope we keep seeing more jelly babies. There were also other previous episode references. My favorite was when the Doctor asked "Are you my mummy". Unfortunately this episode could not hold a candle to "The Empty Child".

Overall, I give "Mummy on the Orient Express" a 2 out of 5 Tardis's. Great idea, but was weighted down with too much Clara. You know as much as I dislike Clara, I do have to admit she looked stunning in that dress.