Thursday, October 2, 2014

Review of "The Caretaker"

After some very good Dr Who episodes this season, Steven Moffat has given us a stinker, called "The Caretaker". I know they can't all be great, but this was pretty big letdown. "The Caretaker" sees the Doctor trying to lure a robot into a school to destroy him. You know how I feel about androids like this. If you used some kind of robot, not named Daleks or Cybermen, you have to have someone who something controlling them. It never works when you just place a robot in a story as the main bad guy. Moffat has done this at least twice this season.

If that wasn't bad enough, most of the episode was the Doctor trying to be funny and eventually finding out who Mr Pink is. When the episode is trying so hard to be funny, like this one did, it falls flat on its face. The Doctor is funny, when you least expect it with a quick jab or joke. This episode was trying way too hard to be funny and it made me yawn.

Lastly, the Doctor finally finds out that Mr Pink is Clara's boyfriend and that he is a "Solider". What happened to the Doctor that he hates soldiers so much? He worked for UNIT for many years on earth and they were soldiers. One of his best friends was Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, who was in charge of soldiers. So why now all of a sudden is the Doctor so anti-solider? It doesn't make sense. If the Doctor really wants to hate Mr Pink, he should dislike him because he is boring. The only thing he does is bang his head onto a desk or table. Where are the Weeping Angels when you need them?

I give "The Caretaker" a  1.5 Tardi's out of 5. You could have skipped this episode and not missed a thing.